SwarmTouch: Guiding a Swarm of Micro-Quadrotors with Impedance Control using a Wearable Tactile Interface

Autor: Tsykunov, Evgeny, Agishev, Ruslan, Ibrahimov, Roman, Labazanova, Luiza, Tleugazy, Akerke, Tsetserukou, Dzmitry
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2019
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2019.2927338
Popis: To achieve a smooth and safe guiding of a drone formation by a human operator, we propose a novel interaction strategy for a human-swarm communication which combines impedance control and vibrotactile feedback. The presented approach takes into account the human hand velocity and changes the formation shape and dynamics accordingly using impedance interlinks simulated between quadrotors, which helps to achieve a natural swarm behavior. Several tactile patterns representing static and dynamic parameters of the swarm are proposed. The user feels the state of the swarm at the fingertips and receives valuable information to improve the controllability of the complex formation. A user study revealed the patterns with high recognition rates. A flight experiment demonstrated the possibility to accurately navigate the formation in a cluttered environment using only tactile feedback. Subjects stated that tactile sensation allows guiding the drone formation through obstacles and makes the human-swarm communication more interactive. The proposed technology can potentially have a strong impact on the human-swarm interaction, providing a higher level of awareness during the swarm navigation.
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Databáze: arXiv