The Chern-Ricci flow on primary Hopf surfaces

Autor: Edwards, Gregory
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The Hopf surfaces provide a family of minimal non-K\"ahler surfaces of class VII on which little is known about the Chern-Ricci flow. We use a construction of Gauduchon-Ornea for locally conformally K\"ahler metrics on primary Hopf surfaces of class 1 to study solutions of the Chern-Ricci flow. These solutions reach a volume collapsing singularity in finite time, and we show that the metric tensor satisfies a uniform upper bound, supporting the conjecture that the Gromov-Hausdorff limit is isometric to a round $S^1$. Uniform $C^{1+\beta}$ estimates are also established for the potential. Previous results had only been known for the simplest examples of Hopf surfaces.
Databáze: arXiv