Application of deconvolution to recover frequency-domain multiplexed detector pulses

Autor: Mishra, M., Mattingly, J., Kolbas, R. M.
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 929 (2019) 57-65
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.03.043
Popis: Multiplexing of radiation detectors reduces the number of readout channels, which in turn reduces the number of digitizer input channels for data acquisition. We recently demonstrated frequency domain multiplexing (FDM) of pulse mode radiation detectors using a resonator that converts the detector signal into a damped sinusoid by convolution. The detectors were given unique "tags" by the oscillation frequency of each resonator. The charge collected and the time-of-arrival of the detector pulse were estimated from the corresponding resonator output in the frequency domain. In this paper, we demonstrate a new method to recover the detector pulse from the damped sinusoidal output by deconvolution. Deconvolution converts the frequency-encoded detector signal back to the original detector pulse. We have developed a new prototype FDM system to multiplex organic scintillators based on convolution and deconvolution. Using the new prototype, the charge collected under the anode pulse can be estimated from the recovered pulse with an uncertainty of about 4.4 keVee (keV electron equivalent). The time-of-arrival can be estimated from the recovered pulse with an uncertainty of about 102 ps. We also used a CeBr3 inorganic scintillator to measure the Cs-137 gamma spectrum using the recovered pulses and found a standard deviation of 13.8 keV at 662 keV compared to a standard deviation of 13.5 keV when the original pulses were used. Coincidence measurements with Na-22 using the deconvolved pulses resulted in a timing uncertainty of 617 ps compared to an uncertainty of 603 ps using the original pulses. Pulse shape discrimination was also performed using Cf-252 source and EJ-309 organic scintillator pulses recovered by deconvolution. A figure of merit value of 1.08 was observed when the recovered pulses were used compared to 1.2 for the original pulses.
Databáze: arXiv