Spin pumping as a generic probe for linear spin fluctuations: demonstration with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic orders, metallic and insulating electrical states

Autor: Gladii, O., Frangou, L., Forestier, G., Seeger, R. L., Auffret, S., Rubio-Roy, M., Weil, R., Mougin, A., Gomez, C., Jahjah, W., Jay, J. -P., Dekadjevi, D., Spenato, D., Gambarelli, S., Baltz, V.
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Appl. Phys. Express 12, 023001 (2019)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.7567/1882-0786/aaf4b2
Popis: We investigated spin injection by spin pumping from a spin-injector(NiFe) into a spin-sink to detect spin fluctuations in the spin-sink. By scanning the ordering-temperature of several magnetic transitions, we found that enhanced spin pumping due to spin fluctuations applies with several ordering states: ferromagnetic(Tb) and antiferromagnetic(NiO, NiFeOx, BiFeO3, exchange-biased and unbiased IrMn). Results also represent systematic experimental investigation supporting that the effect is independent of the metallic and insulating nature of the spin-sink, and is observed whether the spin current probe involves electronic or magnonic transport, facilitating advances in material characterization and engineering for spintronic applications.
Databáze: arXiv