Maximizing Time Delays for Toy Models of Quantum Scattering

Autor: Crawley, Erin
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We model a particle entering a complicated system from free space using an infinite chain of simple harmonic oscillators coupled to a finite, $n$-site cluster. For a particle wavepacket with small wavenumber, an expression for the time delay in terms of the coupling strengths of the cluster is found. When the coupling strengths are varied, a minimum and maximum time delay can be found for $n=1$. When $n=2$, we can obtain seemingly arbitrarily large time delays. In both cases, the time delays share similarities with the time delays for the scattering from an analogous quantum well target. We conclude that this could mean that large time delays are caused by interference within the wavefunction in the target's region of space.
Databáze: arXiv