On the detection of internal interfacial layers in turbulent flows

Autor: Duosi, Fan, Xu, Jing-Lei, Yao, Matthew X., Hickey, Jean-Pierre
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 872 (2019) 198-217
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.343
Popis: A novel approach to identify internal interfacial layers, or IILs, in wall-bounded turbulent flows is proposed. Using a Fuzzy Cluster Method (FCM) on the streamwise velocity component, a unique and unambiguous grouping of the Uniform Momentum Zones is achieved, thus allowing the identification of the IILs. The approach overcomes some of the key limitations of the histogram-based IIL identification methods. The method is insensitive to the streamwise domain length, can be used on inhomogeneous grids, uses all the available flow field data, is trivially extended to three dimensions, and does not need user-defined parameters (e.g. number of bins) other than the number of zones\add{. The number of zones can be automatically determined by an \emph{a priori} algorithm based on a Kernel Density Estimation algorithm, or KDE.} The clustering approach is applied to the turbulent boundary layer (experimental, planar PIV) and channel flow (numerical, DNS) \add{at varying Reynolds numbers}. \modify{The interfacial layers are characterized by a strong concentration of spanwise vorticity, with the outer-most layer located at the upper edge of the log-layer. The three-dimensional interface identification reveals a streak-like organization; we show that the organization of the IILs is correlated to the underlying wall-bounded turbulent structures. }
Databáze: arXiv