Image Pre-processing Using OpenCV Library on MORPH-II Face Database

Autor: Yip, Benjamin, Towner, Rachel, Kling, Troy, Chen, Cuixian, Wang, Yishi
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This paper outlines the steps taken toward pre-processing the 55,134 images of the MORPH-II non-commercial dataset. Following the introduction, section two begins with an overview of each step in the pre-processing pipeline. Section three expands upon each stage of the process and includes details on all calculations made, by providing the OpenCV functionality paired with each step. The last portion of this paper discusses the potential improvements to this pre-processing pipeline that became apparent in retrospect.
Comment: Project for NSF-REU site at UNCW for Summer 2017
Databáze: arXiv