Modelling rankings in R: the PlackettLuce package

Autor: Turner, Heather L., van Etten, Jacob, Firth, David, Kosmidis, Ioannis
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This paper presents the R package PlackettLuce, which implements a generalization of the Plackett-Luce model for rankings data. The generalization accommodates both ties (of arbitrary order) and partial rankings (complete rankings of subsets of items). By default, the implementation adds a set of pseudo-comparisons with a hypothetical item, ensuring that the underlying network of wins and losses between items is always strongly connected. In this way, the worth of each item always has a finite maximum likelihood estimate, with finite standard error. The use of pseudo-comparisons also has a regularization effect, shrinking the estimated parameters towards equal item worth. In addition to standard methods for model summary, PlackettLuce provides a method to compute quasi standard errors for the item parameters. This provides the basis for comparison intervals that do not change with the choice of identifiability constraint placed on the item parameters. Finally, the package provides a method for model-based partitioning using covariates whose values vary between rankings, enabling the identification of subgroups of judges or settings that have different item worths. The features of the package are demonstrated through application to classic and novel data sets.
Comment: In v2: review of software implementing alternative models to Plackett-Luce; comparison of algorithms provided by the PlackettLuce package; further examples of rankings where the underlying win-loss network is not strongly connected. In addition, general editing to improve organisation and clarity. In v3: corrected headings Table 4, minor edits
Databáze: arXiv