Using Multi Expression Programming in Software Effort Estimation

Autor: Akram, Najla, AL-Saati, Alreffaee, Taghreed Riyadh
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: International Journal of Recent Research and Review, Vol. X, Issue 2, June 2017
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Estimating the effort of software systems is an essential topic in software engineering, carrying out an estimation process reliably and accurately for a software forms a vital part of the software development phases. Many researchers have utilized different methods and techniques hopping to find solutions to this issue, such techniques include COCOMO, SEER-SEM,SLIM and others. Recently, Artificial Intelligent techniques are being utilized to solve such problems; different studies have been issued focusing on techniques such as Neural Networks NN, Genetic Algorithms GA, and Genetic Programming GP. This work uses one of the linear variations of GP, namely: Multi Expression Programming (MEP) aiming to find the equation that best estimates the effort of software. Benchmark datasets (based on previous projects) are used learning and testing. Results are compared with those obtained by GP using different fitness functions. Results show that MEP is far better in discovering effective functions for the estimation of about 6 datasets each comprising several projects.
Databáze: arXiv