The magnetocaloric effect from the point of view of Tsallis non-extensive thermostatistics

Autor: de Oliveira, Isaías G., Araújo, Moisés A. S. M., Abreu, Everton M. C., Neves, Mario J.
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: In this work we have analyzed the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) from the Tsallis thermostatistics formalism (TTF) point of view. The problem discussed here is a two level system MCE. We have calculated, both analytically and numerically, the entropy of this system as a function of the Tsallis' parameter (the well known q-parameter) which value depends on the extensivity (q<1) or non-extensivity (q>1) of the system. Since we consider this MCE not depending on the initial conditions, which classify our system as a non-extensive one, we used several greater than one q-parameters to understand the effect of the nonextensive formalism in the entropy as well as the magnetocaloric potential, $\Delta S$. We have plotted several curves that shows precisely the behavior of this effect when dealt with non-extensive statistics.
Comment: 11 pages. 10 figures. Preprint format
Databáze: arXiv