Remarks on the empirical accuracy of the optical superposition principle [Engl. transl. of Zh. Russk. Fiz.-Khim. Obshch., Ch. Fiz. 60(1928)555]

Autor: Vavilov, S. I.
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Zh. Russk. Fiz.-Khim. Obshch., Ch. Fiz. 60(1928)555-563
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: English translation of a Russian article from 1928. Translator's abstract: The article presents general considerations on the validity of the superposition principle for light in vacuo from out a quantum theoretic point of view. It contains a report on an optical experiment designed to detect the phenomenon of photon-photon scattering. To understand the negative result of the performed experiment, a consideration of the solar corona is undertaken in order to derive an empirical upper limit on the photon-photon scattering rate. Source details: S. I. Vavilov: Zamechaniya ob empiricheskoi tochnosti opticheskogo printsipa superpozitsii. Zhurnal Russkogo Fiziko-Khimicheskogo Obshchestva pri Leningradskom Universitete, Chast' Fizicheskaya [Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society at Leningrad University, Physical Part], Vol. LX (1928) No. 6, pp. 555-563.
Comment: 27 pages, translator: K. Scharnhorst (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Databáze: arXiv