Study of the molecular and ionized gas in a possible precursor of an ultra-compact HII region

Autor: Ortega, M. E., Paron, S., Giacani, E., Peña, M. Celis, Rubio, M., Petriella, A.
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: A&A 606, A61 (2017)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201730879
Popis: We study the molecular and the ionized gas in a possible precursor of an UC HII region to contribute to the understanding of how high-mass stars build-up their masses once they have reached the zero-age main secuence. We carried out molecular observations toward the position of the Red MSX source G052.9221-00.4892, using ASTE in the 12CO, 13CO, and C18O J=3-2, and HCO+ J=4-3 lines. We also present radio continuum observations at 6 GHz carried out with the JVLA interferometer. Combining these observations with public infrared data allowed us to inquire about the nature of the source. The analysis of the molecular observations reveals the presence of a kinetic temperature and H2 column density gradients across the molecular clump in which the source is embedded, with the hotter and less dense gas in the inner region. The 12CO J=3-2 emission shows evidence of misaligned massive molecular outflows, with the blue lobe in positional coincidence with a jet-like feature seen at 8 um. The radio continuum emission shows a slightly elongated compact radio source in positional coincidence with the Red MSX source. The polar-like morphology of this compact radio source perfectly matches the hourglass-like morphology exhibited by the source in the Ks-band. The axes of symmetry of the radio source and the near-IR nebula are perfectly aligned. Based on the multiwavelength analysis, we suggest that the analyzed source could be transiting a HC HII region phase, in which the young central star emits winds and ionizing radiation through the poles. By the other hand, according to a comparison between the Br-gamma and the radio flux density, the source would be in a more evolved evolutionary stage of an optically thin UC HII region in photoionization equilibrium. If this is the case, from the radio continuum emission, we can conjecture upon the spectral type of its exciting star which would be a B0.5V.
Comment: Accepted in A&A. August 22, 2017
Databáze: arXiv