Electrically driven quantum light emission in electromechanically-tuneable photonic crystal cavities

Autor: Petruzzella, M., Pagliano, F. M., Zobenica, Z., Birindelli, S., Cotrufo, M., van Otten, F. W. M, van der Heijden, R. W., Fiore, A.
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1063/1.5008590
Popis: A single quantum dot deterministically coupled to a photonic crystal environment constitutes an indispensable elementary unit to both generate and manipulate single-photons in next-generation quantum photonic circuits. To date, the scaling of the number of these quantum nodes on a fully-integrated chip has been prevented by the use of optical pumping strategies that require a bulky off-chip laser along with the lack of methods to control the energies of nano-cavities and emitters. Here, we concurrently overcome these limitations by demonstrating electrical injection of single excitonic lines within a nano-electro-mechanically tuneable photonic crystal cavity. When an electrically-driven dot line is brought into resonance with a photonic crystal mode, its emission rate is enhanced. Anti-bunching experiments reveal the quantum nature of these on-demand sources emitting in the telecom range. These results represent an important step forward in the realization of integrated quantum optics experiments featuring multiple electrically-triggered Purcell-enhanced single-photon sources embedded in a reconfigurable semiconductor architecture.
Databáze: arXiv