High-temperature intrinsic ferromagnetism in the (In,Fe)Sb semiconductor

Autor: Kudrin, A. V., Danilov, Yu. A., Lesnikov, V. P., Vikhrova, O. V., Pavlov, D. A., Usov, Yu. V., Antonov, I. N., Krukov, R. N., Sobolev, N. A.
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1063/1.5010191
Popis: The (In,Fe)Sb layers with the Fe content up to 13 at. % have been grown on (001) GaAs substrates using the pulsed laser deposition. The TEM investigations show that the (In,Fe)Sb layers are epitaxial and free of the inclusions of a second phase. The observation of the hysteretic magnetoresistance curves at temperatures up to 300 K reveals that the Curie point is above room temperature. The resonant character of magnetic circular dichroism confirms the intrinsic ferromagnetism in the (In,Fe)Sb layers. We suggest that the ferromagnetism of the (In,Fe)Sb matrix is not carrier-mediated and apparently is determined by the mechanism of superexchange interaction between Fe atoms (This work was presented at the XXI Symposium Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics, Nizhny Novgorod, March, 13-16, 2017 (book of proceedings v.1, p. 195), http://nanosymp.ru/UserFiles/Symp/2017_v1.pdf).
Databáze: arXiv