Studying distant galaxies: A Handbook of Methods and Analyses

Autor: Hammer, F., Puech, M., Flores, H., Rodrigues, M.
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1142/q0016
Popis: Distant galaxies encapsulate the various stages of galaxy evolution and formation from over 95% of the development of the universe. As early as twenty-five years ago, little was known about them, however since the first systematic survey was completed in the 1990s, increasing amounts of resources have been devoted to their discovery and research. This book summarises for the first time the numerous techniques used for observing, analysing, and understanding the evolution and formation of these distant galaxies. In this rapidly expanding research field, this text is an every-day companion handbook for graduate students and active researchers. It provides guidelines in sample selection, imaging, integrated spectroscopy and 3D spectroscopy, which help to avoid the numerous pitfalls of observational and analysis techniques in use in extragalactic astronomy. It also paves the way for establishing relations between fundamental properties of distant galaxies. At each step, the reader is assisted with numerous practical examples and ready-to-use methodology to help understand and analyse research.
Comment: Here it is an excerpt of 20% of the full book that includes 368 pages, 108 Figures & 18 Tables (see Bibliography updated and astro-ph format improved
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