A commuting-vector-field approach to some dispersive estimates

Autor: Wong, Willie Wai Yeung
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Archiv der Mathematik, 110(3), 273-289 (2018)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/s00013-017-1114-4
Popis: We prove the pointwise decay of solutions to three linear equations: (i) the transport equation in phase space generalizing the classical Vlasov equation, (ii) the linear Schrodinger equation, (iii) the Airy (linear KdV) equation. The usual proofs use explicit representation formulae, and either obtain $L^1$---$L^\infty$ decay through directly estimating the fundamental solution in physical space, or by studying oscillatory integrals coming from the representation in Fourier space. Our proof instead combines "vector field" commutators that capture the inherent symmetries of the relevant equations with conservation laws for mass and energy to get space-time weighted energy estimates. Combined with a simple version of Sobolev's inequality this gives pointwise decay as desired. In the case of the Vlasov and Schrodinger equations we can recover sharp pointwise decay; in the Schrodinger case we also show how to obtain local energy decay as well as Strichartz-type estimates. For the Airy equation we obtain a local energy decay that is almost sharp from the scaling point of view, but nonetheless misses the classical estimates by a gap. This work is inspired by the work of Klainerman on $L^2$---$L^\infty$ decay of wave equations, as well as the recent work of Fajman, Joudioux, and Smulevici on decay of mass distributions for the relativistic Vlasov equation.
Comment: 16 pages; expository with some (hopefully) new material. v2: fixed typos in the Strichartz exponent, sharpened interpolation to remove epsilon loss, updated reference list. v4: added Remark 23 showing how to recover standard L^1-L^\infty decay estimates from the weighted L^2-L^\infty argument for Schrodinger
Databáze: arXiv