Sensitivity of Fields Generated within Magnetically Shielded Volumes to Changes in Magnetic Permeability

Autor: Andalib, T., Martin, J. W., Bidinosti, C. P., Mammei, R. R., Jamieson, B., Lang, M., Kikawa, T.
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2017.05.050
Popis: Future experiments seeking to measure the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) require stable and homogeneous magnetic fields. Normally these experiments use a coil internal to a passively magnetically shielded volume to generate the magnetic field. The stability of the magnetic field generated by the coil within the magnetically shielded volume may be influenced by a number of factors. The factor studied here is the dependence of the internally generated field on the magnetic permeability $\mu$ of the shield material. We provide measurements of the temperature-dependence of the permeability of the material used in a set of prototype magnetic shields, using experimental parameters nearer to those of nEDM experiments than previously reported in the literature. Our measurements imply a range of $\frac{1}{\mu}\frac{d\mu}{dT}$ from 0-2.7\%/K. Assuming typical nEDM experiment coil and shield parameters gives $\frac{\mu}{B_0}\frac{dB_0}{d\mu}=0.01$, resulting in a temperature dependence of the magnetic field in a typical nEDM experiment of $\frac{dB_0}{dT}=0-270$~pT/K for $B_0=1~\mu$T. The results are useful for estimating the necessary level of temperature control in nEDM experiments.
Comment: 5 figures
Databáze: arXiv