The Shape of Dark Matter Haloes, V. Analysis of observations of edge-on galaxies

Autor: Peters, S. P. C., van der Kruit, P. C., Allen, R. J., Freeman, K. C.
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw2101
Popis: In the previous papers in this series, we have measured the stellar and \hi content in a sample of edge-on galaxies. In the present paper, we perform a simultaneous rotation curve and vertical force field gradient decomposition for five of these edge-on galaxies. The rotation curve decomposition provides a measure of the radial dark matter potential, while the vertical force field gradient provide a measure of the vertical dark matter potential. We fit dark matter halo models to these potentials. Using our \hi self-absorption results, we find that a typical dark matter halo has a less dense core ($0.094\pm0.230$\,M$_\odot$/pc$^3$) compared to an optically thin \hi model ($0.150\pm0.124$\,M$_\odot$/pc$^3$). The HI self-absorption dark matter halo has a longer scale length $R_c$ of $1.42\pm 3.48$\,kpc, versus $1.10\pm 1.81$\,kpc for the optically thin HI model. The median halo shape is spherical, at $q=1.0\pm0.6$ (self-absorbing \hi), while it is prolate at $q=1.5\pm0.6$ for the optically thin. Our best results were obtained for ESO\,274-G001 and UGC\,7321, for which we were able to measure the velocity dispersion in Paper III. These two galaxies have drastically different halo shapes, with one oblate and one strongly prolate. Overall, we find that the many assumptions required make this type of analysis susceptible to errors.
Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS. Earlier papers in the series are in the refereeing process. High-res. version of this paper is available at
Databáze: arXiv