Room temperature tetragonal noncollinear antiferromagnet Pt$_2$MnGa

Autor: Singh, S., D'Souza, S. W., Suard, E., Chapon, L., Senyshyn, A., Petricek, V., Skourski, Y., Nicklas, M., Felser, C., Chadov, S.
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Nature Communications, 2016
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12671
Popis: Here we present the tetragonal stoichiometric Heusler compound Pt$_2$MnGa with the noncollinear AFM order stable up to 350 K. It is resolved by the neutron diffraction as a helical spiral propagating along the tetragonal axis. Ab-initio calculations suggest a pure exchange origin of the spiral and explain its helical character being stabilized by a large basal plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA). Together with the inversion-symmetric crystal structure, this provides a bi-stability of a spiral with respect to the right- and left-handed magnetic helices. Despite the large MCA, the long period of a helix might greatly facilitate the switch of the helicity by the precessional reorientation, suggesting Pt$_2$MnGa as a potential candidate for the vector-helicity based non-volatile magnetic memory.
Databáze: arXiv