Dark states of atomic ensembles

Autor: Ozhigov, Yuri I., Skovoroda, Nikita A.
Rok vydání: 2015
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Ensemble of identical two level atoms in dark state neither adsorbs nor emits photons due to destructive interference. It can be used for the source of energy for nano-devices. In Tavis-Cummings cavity the change of light-atom coupling cannot destroy the dark state. We propose the method of dark states preparation based on photon pumping and drain from the optical cavity with two atoms, one from which has Stark or Zeeman splitting of energy levels. This splitting is removed before photon drain from the cavity. The dark state yield after one such cycle has the order of energy level splitting. We show the scheme of the experiment, in which such cycles repeat until the dark state is produced with high probability and the results of computer simulation.
Comment: 5 pages LaTex, 2 figures
Databáze: arXiv