Simplified Models for Exotic BSM Searches

Autor: Heisig, Jan, Lessa, Andre, Quertenmont, Loic
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: JHEP 12 (2015) 087
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP12(2015)087
Popis: Simplified models are a successful way of interpreting current LHC searches for models beyond the standard model (BSM). So far simplified models have focused on topologies featuring a missing transverse energy (MET) signature. However, in some BSM theories other, more exotic, signatures occur. If a charged particle becomes long-lived on collider time scales - as it is the case in parts of the SUSY parameter space - it leads to a very distinct signature. We present an extension of the computer package SModelS which includes simplified models for heavy stable charged particles (HSCP). As a physical application we investigate the CMSSM stau co-annihilation strip containing long-lived staus, which presents a potential solution to the Lithium problem. Applying both MET and HSCP constraints we show that, for low values of $\tan\beta$, all this region of parameter space either violates Dark Matter constraints or is excluded by LHC searches.
Comment: 19 pages + references, 9 figures; v3: Minor corrections in the text; matches published version
Databáze: arXiv