Qubit quantum-dot sensors: noise cancellation by coherent backaction, initial slips, and elliptical precession

Autor: Hell, M., Wegewijs, M. R., DiVincenzo, D. P.
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. B 93, 045418 (2016)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.045418
Popis: We theoretically investigate the backaction of a sensor quantum dot with strong local Coulomb repulsion on the transient dynamics of a qubit that is probed capacitively. We show that the measurement backaction induced by the noise of electron cotunneling through the sensor is surprisingly mitigated by the recently identified coherent backaction [PRB 89, 195405] arising from quantum fluctuations. This renormalization effect is missing in semiclassical stochastic fluctuator models and typically also in Born-Markov approaches, which try to avoid the calculation of the nonstationary, nonequilibrium state of the qubit plus sensor. Technically, we integrate out the current-carrying electrodes to obtain kinetic equations for the joint, nonequilibrium detector-qubit dynamics. We show that the sensor-current response, level renormalization, cotunneling, and leading non-Markovian corrections always appear together and cannot be turned off individually in an experiment or ignored theoretically. We analyze the backaction on the reduced qubit state - capturing the full non-Markovian effects imposed by the sensor quantum dot on the qubit - by applying a Liouville-space decomposition into quasistationary and rapidly decaying modes. Importantly, the sensor cannot be eliminated completely even in the simplest high-temperature, weak-measurement limit: The qubit state experiences an initial slip that persists over many qubit cycles and depends on the initial preparation of qubit plus sensor quantum dot. A quantum-dot sensor can thus not be modeled as a 'black box' without accounting for its dynamical variables. We furthermore find that the Bloch vector relaxes (T1) along an axis that is not orthogonal to the plane in which the Bloch vector dephases (T2), blurring the notions of T1 and T2 times. Finally, the precessional motion of the Bloch vector is distorted into an ellipse in the tilted dephasing plane.
Comment: This is the version published in Phys. Rev. B
Databáze: arXiv