Toward an automated analysis of slow ions in nuclear track emulsion

Autor: Mamatkulov, K. Z., Kattabekov, R. R., Ambrozova, I., Artemenkov, D. A., Bradnova, V., Kamanin, D. V., Majling, L., Marey, A., Ploc, O., Rusakova, V. V., Stanoeva, R., Turek, K., Zaitsev, A. A., Zarubin, P. I., Zarubina, I. G.
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Physics Procedia. 2015. 74. 59-66
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.09.207
Popis: Application of the nuclear track emulsion technique (NTE) in radioactivity and nuclear fission studies is discussed. It is suggested to use a HSP-1000 automated microscope for searching for a collinear cluster tri-partition of heavy nuclei implanted in NTE. Calibrations of $\alpha $-particles and ion ranges in a novel NTE are carried out. Surface exposures of NTE samples to a ${}^{252}$Cf source started. Planar events containing fragments and long-range $\alpha $-particles as well as fragment triples only are studied. NTE samples are calibrated by ions Kr and Xe of energy of 1.2 and 3 A MeV.
Comment: Proceedings of the Conference of Fundamental Research and Particle Physics. 18-20 February 2015. Moscow, Russian Federation
Databáze: arXiv