Detection of Fast-Moving Waves Propagating Outward along Sunspots' Radial Direction in the Photosphere

Autor: Zhao, Junwei, Chen, Ruizhu, Hartlep, Thomas, Kosovichev, Alexander G.
Rok vydání: 2015
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/809/1/L15
Popis: Helioseismic and magnetohydrodynamic waves are abundant in and above sunspots. Through cross-correlating oscillation signals in the photosphere observed by the SDO/HMI, we reconstruct how waves propagate away from virtual wave sources located inside a sunspot. In addition to the usual helioseismic wave, a fast-moving wave is detected traveling along the sunspot's radial direction from the umbra to about 15 Mm beyond the sunspot boundary. The wave has a frequency range of 2.5 - 4.0 mHz with a phase velocity of 45.3 km/s, substantially faster than the typical speeds of Alfven and magnetoacoustic waves in the photosphere. The observed phenomenon is consistent with a scenario of that a magnetoacoustic wave is excited at approximately 5 Mm beneath the sunspot, and its wavefront travels to and sweeps across the photosphere with a speed higher than the local magnetoacoustic speed. The fast-moving wave, if truly excited beneath the sunspot's surface, will help open a new window to study the internal structure and dynamics of sunspots.
Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters
Databáze: arXiv