A telecom-wavelength atomic quantum memory in optical fiber for heralded polarization qubits

Autor: Jin, Jeongwan, Saglamyurek, Erhan, Puigibert, Marcel. li Grimau, Verma, Varun B., Marsili, Francesco, Nam, Sae Woo, Oblak, Daniel, Tittel, Wolfgang
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 140501 (2015)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.140501
Popis: Photon-based quantum information processing promises new technologies including optical quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and distributed quantum networks. Polarization-encoded photons at telecommunication wavelengths provide a compelling platform for practical realization of these technologies. However, despite important success towards building elementary components compatible with this platform, including sources of entangled photons, efficient single photon detectors, and on-chip quantum circuits, a missing element has been atomic quantum memory that directly allows for reversible mapping of quantum states encoded in the polarization degree of a telecom-wavelength photon. Here we demonstrate the quantum storage and retrieval of polarization states of heralded single-photons at telecom-wavelength by implementing the atomic frequency comb protocol in an ensemble of erbium atoms doped into an optical fiber. Despite remaining limitations in our proof-of-principle demonstration such as small storage efficiency and storage time, our broadband light-matter interface reveals the potential for use in future quantum information processing.
Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this work
Databáze: arXiv