Heavy Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons in Asymmetric Strange Hadronic Matter

Autor: Kumar, Arvind, Chhabra, Rahul
Rok vydání: 2015
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We calculate the effects of finite density of isospin asymmetric strange hadronic matter, for different strangeness fractions, on the in-medium properties of vector $\left( D^{\ast}, D_{s}^{\ast}, B^{\ast}, B_{s}^{\ast}\right)$ and axial-vector $\left( D_{1}, D_{1s}, B_{1}, B_{1s}\right)$ mesons using chiral hadronic SU(3) model and QCD sum rules. We focus on the evaluation of in-medium mass-shift and shift of decay constant of above vector and axial vector mesons. In QCD sum rule approach the properties e.g. masses and decay constants of vector and axial vector mesons are written in terms of quark and gluon condensates. These quarks and gluon condensates are evaluated in the present work using chiral SU(3) model through the medium modification of scalar-isoscalar fields $\sigma$ and $\zeta$, the scalar-isovector field $\delta$ and scalar dilaton field $\chi$ in strange hadronic medium which includes both nucleons as well as hyperons. As we shall see in detail the masses and decay constants of heavy vector and axial vector mesons are affected significantly due to isospin asymmetry and strangeness fraction of the medium and these modifications may influence the experimental observables produced in heavy ion collision experiments. The results of present investigations of in-medium properties of vector and axial-vector mesons at finite density of strange hadronic medium may be helpful for understanding the experimental data from heavy-ion collision experiments in-particular for the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment of FAIR facility at GSI, Germany.
Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures
Databáze: arXiv