Time vs. Information Tradeoffs for Leader Election in Anonymous Trees

Autor: Glacet, Christian, Miller, Avery, Pelc, Andrzej
Rok vydání: 2015
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The leader election task calls for all nodes of a network to agree on a single node. If the nodes of the network are anonymous, the task of leader election is formulated as follows: every node $v$ of the network must output a simple path, coded as a sequence of port numbers, such that all these paths end at a common node, the leader. In this paper, we study deterministic leader election in anonymous trees. Our aim is to establish tradeoffs between the allocated time $\tau$ and the amount of information that has to be given $\textit{a priori}$ to the nodes to enable leader election in time $\tau$ in all trees for which leader election in this time is at all possible. Following the framework of $\textit{algorithms with advice}$, this information (a single binary string) is provided to all nodes at the start by an oracle knowing the entire tree. The length of this string is called the $\textit{size of advice}$. For an allocated time $\tau$, we give upper and lower bounds on the minimum size of advice sufficient to perform leader election in time $\tau$. We consider $n$-node trees of diameter $diam \leq D$. While leader election in time $diam$ can be performed without any advice, for time $diam-1$ we give tight upper and lower bounds of $\Theta (\log D)$. For time $diam-2$ we give tight upper and lower bounds of $\Theta (\log D)$ for even values of $diam$, and tight upper and lower bounds of $\Theta (\log n)$ for odd values of $diam$. For the time interval $[\beta \cdot diam, diam-3]$ for constant $\beta >1/2$, we prove an upper bound of $O(\frac{n\log n}{D})$ and a lower bound of $\Omega(\frac{n}{D})$, the latter being valid whenever $diam$ is odd or when the time is at most $diam-4$. Finally, for time $\alpha \cdot diam$ for any constant $\alpha <1/2$ (except for the case of very small diameters), we give tight upper and lower bounds of $\Theta (n)$.
Databáze: arXiv