Second order geometric flows on foliated manifolds

Autor: Bedulli, Lucio, He, Weiyong, Vezzoni, Luigi
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: J. Geom. Anal. 28 (2018), no. 1, 697-725
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/s12220-017-9839-7
Popis: We prove a general result about the short time existence and uniqueness of second order geometric flows transverse to a Riemannian foliation on a compact manifold. Our result includes some flows already existing in literature, as the transverse Ricci flow, the Sasaki-Ricci flow and the Sasaki J-flow and motivates the study of other evolution equations. We also introduce a transverse version of the Kaehler-Ricci flow adapting some classical results to the foliated case.
Comment: 22 pages. Comments are wellcome
Databáze: arXiv