Novel structures in Stanley sequences

Autor: Moy, Richard A., Rolnick, David
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Discrete Mathematics, 339 (2), 689-698 (2016)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Given a set of integers with no three in arithmetic progression, we construct a Stanley sequence by adding integers greedily so that no arithmetic progression is formed. This paper offers two main contributions to the theory of Stanley sequences. First, we characterize well-structured Stanley sequences as solutions to constraints in modular arithmetic, defining the modular Stanley sequences. Second, we introduce the basic Stanley sequences, where elements arise as the sums of subsets of a basis sequence, which in the simplest case is the powers of 3. Applications of our results include the construction of Stanley sequences with arbitrarily large gaps between terms, answering a weak version of a problem by Erd\H{o}s et al. Finally, we generalize many results about Stanley sequences to $p$-free sequences, where $p$ is any odd prime.
Comment: 15 pages, code for working with Stanley sequences available at
Databáze: arXiv