Precision measurements of $g_1$ of the proton and the deuteron with 6 GeV electrons

Autor: Prok, Y., Bosted, P., Kvaltine, N., Adhikari, K. P., Adikaram, D., Aghasyan, M., Amaryan, M. J., Anderson, M. D., Pereira, S. Anefalos, Avakian, H., Baghdasaryan, H., Ball, J., Baltzell, N. A., Battaglieri, M., Biselli, A. S., Bono, J., Briscoe, W. J., Brock, J., Brooks, W. K., Bültmann, S., Burkert, V. D., Carlin, C., Carman, D. S., Celentano, A., Chandavar, S., Colaneri, L., Cole, P. L., Contalbrigo, M., Cortes, O., Crabb, D., Crede, V., D'Angelo, A., Dashyan, N., De Vita, R., De Sanctis, E., Deur, A., Djalali, C., Dodge, G. E., Doughty, D., Dupre, R., Alaoui, A. El, Fassi, L. El, Elouadrhiri, L., Fedotov, G., Fegan, S., Fersch, R., Fleming, J. A., Forest, T. A., Garcon, M., Gevorgyan, N., Ghandilyan, Y., Gilfoyle, G. P., Girod, F. X., Giovanetti, K. L., Goetz, J. T., Gohn, W., Gothe, R. W., Griffioen, K. A., Guegan, B., Guler, N., Haffidi, K., Hanretty, C., Harrison, N., Hattawy, M., Hicks, K., Ho, D., Holtrop, M., Ilieva, Y., Ireland, D. G., Ishkhanov, B. S., Isupov, E. L., Jawalkar, S., Jiang, X., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Keith, C., Keller, D., Khandaker, M., Kim, A., Kim, W., Klein, A., Klein, F. J., Koirala, S., Kubarovsky, V., Kuhn, S. E., Kuleshov, S. V., Lenisa, P., Livingston, K., Lu, H. Y., MacGregor, I . J. D., Markov, N., Mayee, M., McKinnon, B., Meekins, D., Mineeva, T., Mirazita, M., Mokeev, V., Montgomery, R. A., Moutarde, H., Movsisyan, A, Munevar, E., Camacho, C. Munoz, Nadel-Turonski, P., Niccolai, S., Niculescu, G., Niculescu, I., Osipenko, M., Ostrovidov, A. I., Pappalardo, L. L., Paremuzyan, R., Park, K., Peng, P., Phillips, J. J., Pierce, J., Pisano, S., Pogorelko, O., Pozdniakov, S., Price, J. W., Procureur, S., Protopopescu, D., Puckett, A. J. R., Raue, B. A., Rimal, D., Ripani, M., Rizzo, A., Rosner, G., Rossi, P., Roy, P., Sabatié, F., Saini, M. S., Salgado, C., Schott, D., Schumacher, R. A., Seder, E., Sharabian, Y. G., Simonyan, A., Smith, C., Smith, G., Sober, D. I., Sokhan, D., Stepanyan, S. S., Stepanyan, S., Strakovsky, I. I., Strauch, S., Sytnik, V., Taiuti, M., Tang, W., Tkachenko, S., Ungaro, M., Vernarsky, B ., Vlassov, A. V., Voskanyan, H., Voutier, E., Walford, N. K., Watts, D . P., Weinstein, L. B., Zachariou, N., Zana, L., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Zhao, Z. W., Zonta, I.
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. C 90, 025212 (2014)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.025212
Popis: The inclusive polarized structure functions of the proton and deuteron, g1p and g1d, were measured with high statistical precision using polarized 6 GeV electrons incident on a polarized ammonia target in Hall B at Jefferson Laboratory. Electrons scattered at lab angles between 18 and 45 degrees were detected using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). For the usual DIS kinematics, Q^2>1 GeV^2 and the final-state invariant mass W>2 GeV, the ratio of polarized to unpolarized structure functions g1/F1 is found to be nearly independent of Q^2 at fixed x. Significant resonant structure is apparent at values of W up to 2.3 GeV. In the framework of perturbative QCD, the high-W results can be used to better constrain the polarization of quarks and gluons in the nucleon, as well as high-twist contributions.
Databáze: arXiv