Avoidance and Coalescence of Delamination Patterns

Autor: Budrikis, Zoe, Sellerio, Alessandro L., Bertalan, Zsolt, Zapperi, Stefano
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Scientific Reports 5, 8938 (2015)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1038/srep08938
Popis: Delamination of coatings and thin films from substrates generates a fascinating variety of patterns, from circular blisters to wrinkles and labyrinth domains, in a way that is not completely understood. We report on large-scale numerical simulations of the universal problem of avoidance and coalescence of delamination wrinkles, focusing on a case study of graphene sheets on patterned substrates. By nucleating and growing wrinkles in a controlled way, we are able to characterize how their interactions, mediated by long-range stress fields, determine their formation and morphology. We also study how the interplay between geometry and stresses drives a universal transition from conformation to delamination when sheets are deposited on particle-decorated substrates. Our results are directly applicable to strain engineering of graphene and also uncover universal phenomena observed at all scales, as for example in geomembrane deposition.
Databáze: arXiv