Measurement of Collective Dynamical Mass of Dirac Fermions in Graphene

Autor: Yoon, Hosang, Forsythe, Carlos, Wang, Lei, Tombros, Nikolaos, Watanabe, Kenji, Taniguchi, Takashi, Hone, James, Kim, Philip, Ham, Donhee
Rok vydání: 2014
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1038/nnano.2014.112
Popis: Individual electrons in graphene behave as massless quasiparticles. In surprising twist, it is inferred from plasmonic investigations that collectively excited graphene electrons must exhibit non-zero mass and its inertial acceleration is essential for graphene plasmonics. Despite such importance, this collective mass has defied direct unequivocal measurement. It may be directly measured by accelerating it with a time-varying voltage and quantifying the phase delay of the resulting current; this voltage-current phase relation would manifest as kinetic inductance, representing the collective inertia's reluctance to accelerate. However, at optical (infrared) frequencies phase measurement of current is generally difficult and at microwave frequencies the inertial phase delay has been buried under electron scattering. Here we directly, precisely measure the kinetic inductance, thus, collective mass, by combining innovative device engineering that reduces electron scattering and delicate microwave phase measurements. Particularly, encapsulation of graphene between hexagonal-boron-nitride layers, one-dimensional edge contacts, and a proximate top gate configured as microwave ground together enable resolving the inertial phase delay from the electron scattering. Beside the fundamental importance, the kinetic inductance demonstrated here to be orders-of-magnitude larger than magnetic inductance can dramatically miniaturize radio-frequency integrated circuits. Moreover, its bias-dependency heralds a solid-state voltage-controlled inductor to complement the prevalent voltage-controlled capacitor.
Databáze: arXiv