Exploring the Phase Structure and Thermodynamics of QCD

Autor: Herbst, Tina K., Mitter, Mario, Pawlowski, Jan M., Schaefer, Bernd-Jochen, Stiele, Rainer
Rok vydání: 2014
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We put forward a Polyakov-loop extended quark meson model, where matter as well as glue fluctuations are taken into account, cf. [1]. The latter are included via a Polyakov-loop potential. Usually such a glue potential is based on Yang-Mills lattice data only. We show that a parametrisation of unquenching effects as proposed in [2], together with the inclusion of fluctuations via the functional renormalisation group [3,4], accounts for the relevant dynamics. This is demonstrated by a comparison of order parameters and thermodynamic observables to recent lattice results at vanishing chemical potential, where we find very good agreement.
Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, contribution to "QCD-TNT-III: From quarks and gluons to hadronic matter: A bridge too far?", ECT*, Trento (Italy), September 2-6, 2013
Databáze: arXiv