Detecting projectivity in sheaves associated to representations of infinitesimal groups

Autor: Stark, Jim
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra , 2015, 219, 1826 - 1849
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2014.07.013
Popis: Let G be an infinitesimal group scheme of finite height r and V(G) the scheme which represents 1-parameter subgroups of G. We consider sheaves over the projectivization P(G) of V(G) constructed from a G-module M. We show that if P(G) is regular then the sheaf H^[1](M) is zero if and only if M is projective. In general, H^[1] defines a functor from the stable module category and we prove that its kernel is a thick triangulated subcategory. Finally, we give examples of G such that P(G) is regular and indicate, in characteristic 2, the connection to the BGG correspondence. Along the way we will provide new proofs of some known results and correct some errors in the literature.
Comment: 26 pages, grant acknowledgement, journal reference, and DOI added to previous version
Databáze: arXiv