Heralded entanglement between solid-state qubits separated by 3 meters

Autor: Bernien, H., Hensen, B., Pfaff, W., Koolstra, G., Blok, M. S., Robledo, L., Taminiau, T. H., Markham, M., Twitchen, D. J., Childress, L., Hanson, R.
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Nature 497, 86-90 (2013)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1038/nature12016
Popis: Quantum entanglement between spatially separated objects is one of the most intriguing phenomena in physics. The outcomes of independent measurements on entangled objects show correlations that cannot be explained by classical physics. Besides being of fundamental interest, entanglement is a unique resource for quantum information processing and communication. Entangled qubits can be used to establish private information or implement quantum logical gates. Such capabilities are particularly useful when the entangled qubits are spatially separated, opening the opportunity to create highly connected quantum networks or extend quantum cryptography to long distances. Here we present a key experiment towards the realization of long-distance quantum networks with solid-state quantum registers. We have entangled two electron spin qubits in diamond that are separated by a three-meter distance. We establish this entanglement using a robust protocol based on local creation of spin-photon entanglement and a subsequent joint measurement of the photons. Detection of the photons heralds the projection of the spin qubits onto an entangled state. We verify the resulting non-local quantum correlations by performing single-shot readout on the qubits in different bases. The long-distance entanglement reported here can be combined with recently achieved initialization, readout and entanglement operations on local long-lived nuclear spin registers, enabling deterministic long-distance teleportation, quantum repeaters and extended quantum networks.
Databáze: arXiv