Cyclic behavior of maxima in a hierarchical summation scheme

Autor: Lifshits, M. A.
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: J.Math.Sci., 2014, 199, 2, 215-224 (English) Zapiski Nauchn.Semin POMI,2012,408,268-284 (Russian)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Let i.i.d. symmetric Bernoulli random variables be associated to the edges of a binary tree having n levels. To any leaf of the tree, we associate the sum of variables along the path connecting the leaf with the tree root. Let M_n denote the maximum of all such sums. We prove that, as n grows, the distributions of M_n approach some helix in the space of distributions. Each element of this helix is an accumulation point for the shifts of distributions of M_n.
Databáze: arXiv