Effect of alkyl substituents on the adsorption of thienylenevinylene oligomers on the Si (100) surface

Autor: Grandidier, Bruno, Nys, Jean-Philippe, Stiévenard, Didier, Krzeminski, Christophe, Delerue, Christophe, Frere, Pierre, Blanchard, Phillippe, Roncali, Jean
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Surface Science 473, 1-2 (2001) 1-7
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(00)00946-8
Popis: The adsorption of thienylenevinylene oligomers on the Si(100) surface has been investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy. The mode of substitution of the thiophene ring exerts a strong influence on the adsorption configurations and the images of the oligomer based on 3,4-dihexyl thiophene are highly voltage dependent. We discuss the influence of the alkyl chains on the adsorption process and on the appearance of the molecules in the STM images.
Databáze: arXiv