Inverse Compton X-ray Emission from Supernovae with Compact Progenitors: Application to SN2011fe

Autor: Margutti, R., Soderberg, A. M., Chomiuk, L., Chevalier, R., Hurley, K., Milisavljevic, D., Foley, R. J., Hughes, J. P., Slane, P., Fransson, C., Moe, M., Barthelmy, S., Boynton, W., Briggs, M., Connaughton, V., Costa, E., Cummings, J., Del Monte, E., Enos, H., Fellows, C., Feroci, M., Fukazawa, Y., Gehrels, N., Goldsten, J., Golovin, D., Hanabata, Y., Harshman, K., Krimm, H., Litvak, M. L., Makishima, K., Marisaldi, M., Mitrofanov, I. G., Murakami, T., Ohno, M., Palmer, D. M., Sanin, A. B., Starr, R., Svinkin, D.
Rok vydání: 2012
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/751/2/134
Popis: We present a generalized analytic formalism for the inverse Compton X-ray emission from hydrogen-poor supernovae and apply this framework to SN2011fe using Swift-XRT, UVOT and Chandra observations. We characterize the optical properties of SN2011fe in the Swift bands and find them to be broadly consistent with a "normal" SN Ia, however, no X-ray source is detected by either XRT or Chandra. We constrain the progenitor system mass loss rate to be lower than 2x10^-9 M_sun/yr (3sigma c.l.) for wind velocity v_w=100 km/s. Our result rules out symbiotic binary progenitors for SN2011fe and argues against Roche-lobe overflowing subgiants and main sequence secondary stars if >1% of the transferred mass is lost at the Lagrangian points. Regardless of the density profile, the X-ray non-detections are suggestive of a clean environment (particle density < 150 cm-3) for (2x10^15Comment: Submitted to ApJ
Databáze: arXiv