Bohman-Frieze processes at criticality and emergence of the giant component

Autor: Bhamidi, Shankar, Budhiraja, Amarjit, Wang, Xuan
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The evolution of the usual Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graph model on n vertices can be described as follows: At time 0 start with the empty graph, with n vertices and no edges. Now at each time k, choose 2 vertices uniformly at random and attach an edge between these two vertices. Let \bfG_n(k) be the graph obtained at step k. Refined analysis in random graph theory now shows that for fixed t\in \Rbold, when k(n) = n/2+ n^{2/3} t/2, the sizes of the components in \bfG_n(k(n)) scale like n^{2/3} and rescaled component sizes converge to the standard multiplicative coalescent at time $t$. The last decade has seen variants of this process introduced, under the name Achlioptas processes, to understand the effect of simple changes in the edge formation scheme on the emergence of the giant component. Stimulated by a question of Achlioptas, one of the simplest and most popular of such models is the Bohman Frieze (BF) model wherein at each stage $k$, 2 edges e_1(k)=(v_1,v_2) and e_2(k) = (v_3, v_4) are chosen uniformly at random. If at this time v_1, v_2 are both isolated then this edge is added, otherwise e_2 is added. Then \cite{bohman2001avoiding} (and further analysis in \cite{spencer2007birth}) show that once again there is a critical parameter, which is larger than 1, above and below which the asymptotic behavior is as in the Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi setting. While an intense study for this and related models seems to suggest that at criticality, this model should be in the same universality class as the original Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi process, a precise mathematical treatment of the dynamics in the critical window has to date escaped analysis. In this work we study the component structure of the BF model in the critical window and show that at criticality the sizes of components properly rescaled and re-centered converge to the standard multiplicative coalescent.
Comment: version 2, 54 pages, new references added
Databáze: arXiv