Spectrophotometric variability of the magnetic CP star 56 Arietis in spectral region from 1950 to 3200 A

Autor: Sokolov, Nikolay A.
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Ap&SS, 2010, 330, 37
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/s10509-010-0355-5
Popis: The spectrophotometric variability of the magnetic CP star 56 Arietis (56 Ari) in the ultraviolet spectral region from 1950 to 3200 A is investigated. This study is based on the archival International Ultraviolet Explorer data obtained at different phases of the rotational cycle. The brightness of 56 Ari is not constant in the investigated wavelengths over the whole rotational period. The monochromatic light curves continuously change their shape with wavelength. This indicates that we do not observe a truly 'null wavelength region' where the monochromatic light curve has a zero amplitude. Probably, an uneven surface distribution of silicon and iron mainly influences the flux redistribution from the far-UV to near-UV spectral regions, although additional sources of opacity may be involved. The redistribution of the flux at phase 0.25 is connected with the nonuniform distribution of silicon on the stellar surface of 56 Ari. On the other hand, the redistribution of the flux at phase 0.65 is quite complex, because there are additional blocking and redistribution of the flux by iron lines in the near-UV spectral region.
Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Accepted 2 March 2010 in Astrophys Space Sci
Databáze: arXiv