The Merger Environment of the WAT Hosting Cluster Abell 562

Autor: Douglass, E. M., Blanton, Elizabeth L., Clarke, T. E., Randall, Scott W., Wing, Joshua D.
Rok vydání: 2010
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/743/2/199
Popis: We present a Chandra X-ray observation and VLA radio observations of the nearby (z=0.11) galaxy cluster Abell 562 and the wide angle tail (WAT) radio source 0647+693. The cluster displays signatures of an ongoing merger leading to the bending of the WAT source including an elongation of the X-ray surface brightness distribution along the line that bisects the WAT, an excess of displaced gas found between the radio lobes, and anisotropies within the ICM projected temperature and abundance distributions. The most likely geometry of the ongoing interaction is a head-on merger occurring along the WAT bending axis. By combining observable properties of A562 and 0647+693 with common values for the conditions within merging clusters at the time of core crossing, we constrain the internal density (rho[ j ] = 0.001 rho[ICM]) of the jets and plasma flow velocity within the lobes (v = 0.02c - 0.03c) of the WAT source.
Databáze: arXiv