Flat descent for Artin n-stacks

Autor: Toen, B.
Rok vydání: 2009
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We prove two flat descent statements for Artin n-stacks. We first show that an n-stack for the etale topology which is an Artin n-stack in the sense of HAGII, is also an n-stack for the fppf topology. Moreover, an n-stack for the fppf topology which possess a fppf n-atlas is an Artin n-stack (i.e. possesses a smooth n-atlas). We deduce from these results some comparison statements between fppf and etale (non-ablelian) cohomolgies. This paper is written in the setting of derived algebraic geometry and its results are also valid for derived Artin n-stacks.
Comment: French, 28 pages. Minor changes
Databáze: arXiv