Moduli of relatively nilpotent extensions

Autor: Fried, Michael D.
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Inst. of Math. Science Analysis 1267, June 2002, Communications in Arithmetic Fundamental Groups, 70-94
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Gives the most precise available description of the p-Frattini module for any p-perfect finite group G=G_0 (Thm. 2.8), and therefore of the groups G_{k,ab}, k \ge 0, from which we form the abelianized M(odular) T(ower). \S 4 includes a classification of Schur multiplier quotients, from which we figure two points (see the html file 1. Whether there is a non-empty MT over a given Hurwitz space component at level 0; and 2. whether all cusps above a given level 0 o-p' cusp are p-cusps. The diophantine discussions of \S 5 remind how Demjanenko-Manin worked on modular curve towers, showing why we still need Falting's Thm. to conclude the Main MT conjecture when the p-Frattini module has dimension exceeding 1 (G_0 is not p-super singular). By 2009 there was a successful resolution of the Main Conjecture when the MT levels (reduced Hurwitz spaces) have dimension 1. reviews all inputs and results of the Modular Tower program starting with Books of Serre and Shimura.
Comment: Developed from three lectures I gave at RIMS, Spring 2001
Databáze: arXiv