Emergence of entanglement from a noisy environment: The case of polaritons

Autor: Portolan, S., Di Stefano, O., Savasta, S., Savona, V.
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/88/20003
Popis: We show theoretically that polariton pairs with a high degree of polarization entanglement can be produced through parametric scattering. We demonstrate that it can emerge in coincidence experiments, even at low excitation densities where the dynamics is dominated by incoherent photoluminesce. Our analysis is based on a microscopic quantum statistical approach that treats coherent and incoherent processes on an equal footing, thus allowing for a quantitative assessment of the amount of entanglement under realistic experimental conditions. This result puts forward the robustness of pair correlations in solid-state devices, even when noise dominates one-body correlations.
Comment: revised version. new figures
Databáze: arXiv