Spectral asymptotics for large skew-symmetric perturbations of the harmonic oscillator

Autor: Gallagher, I., Gallay, Th., Nier, F.
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Originally motivated by a stability problem in Fluid Mechanics, we study the spectral and pseudospectral properties of the differential operator $H_\epsilon = -\partial_x^2 + x^2 + i\epsilon^{-1}f(x)$ on $L^2(R)$, where $f$ is a real-valued function and $\epsilon > 0$ a small parameter. We define $\Sigma(\epsilon)$ as the infimum of the real part of the spectrum of $H_\epsilon$, and $\Psi(\epsilon)^{-1}$ as the supremum of the norm of the resolvent of $H_\epsilon$ along the imaginary axis. Under appropriate conditions on $f$, we show that both quantities $\Sigma(\epsilon)$, $\Psi(\epsilon)$ go to infinity as $\epsilon \to 0$, and we give precise estimates of the growth rate of $\Psi(\epsilon)$. We also provide an example where $\Sigma(\epsilon)$ is much larger than $\Psi(\epsilon)$ if $\epsilon$ is small. Our main results are established using variational "hypocoercive" methods, localization techniques and semiclassical subelliptic estimates.
Comment: 38 pages, 4 figures
Databáze: arXiv