On the baryonic, stellar, and luminous scaling relations of disk galaxies

Autor: Avila-Reese, V., Zavala, J., Firmani, C., Hernández-Toledo, H. M.
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Astron. J. 136 (2008) 1340-1360
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/136/3/1340
Popis: We explore how the slopes and scatters of the scaling relations of disk galaxies (Vm-L[-M], R-L[-M], and Vm-R) do change when moving from B to K bands and to stellar and baryonic quantities. For our compiled sample of 76 normal, non-interacting high and low surface brightness galaxies, we find some changes, which evidence evolution effects, mainly related to gas infall and star formation (SF). We also explore correlations among the (B-K) color, stellar mass fraction fs, mass M (luminosity L), and surface density (SB), as well as correlations among the residuals of the scaling relations. Some of our findings are: (i) the scale length Rb is a third parameter in the baryonic TF relation and the residuals of this relation follow a trend (slope ~-0.15) with the residuals of the Rb-Mb relation; for the stellar and K band cases, R is not anymore a third parameter and the mentioned trend disappears; (ii) among the TFRs, the B-band TFR is the most scattered; in this case, the color is a third parameter; (iii) the LSB galaxies break some observed trends, which suggest a threshold in the gas surface density Sg, below which the SF becomes independent of the gas infall rate and Sg. Our results are interpreted and discussed in the light of LCDM-based models of galaxy evolution. The models explain not only the baryonic scaling relations, but also most of the processes responsible for the observed changes in the slopes, scatters, and correlations among the residuals when changing to stellar and luminous quantities. The baryon fraction is required to be smaller than 0.05 on average. We detect some potential difficulties for the models: the observed color-M and surface density-M correlations are steeper, and the intrinsic scatter in the baryonic TFR is smaller than those predicted. [abridged]
Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, uses emulateapj.cls. Astronomical Journal, in press. Minor typos and reference list corrected. New references added in the text
Databáze: arXiv