The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: The K-band follow-up in the 0226-04 field

Autor: Temporin, S., Iovino, A., Bolzonella, M., McCracken, H. J., Scodeggio, M., Garilli, B., Bottini, D., Brun, V. Le, Fevre, O. Le, Maccagni, D., Picat, J. P., Scaramella, R., Tresse, L., Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Adami, C., Arnouts, S., Bardelli, S., Cappi, A., Charlot, S., Ciliegi, P., Contini, T., Cucciati, O., Foucaud, S., Franzetti, P., Gavignaud, I., Guzzo, L., Ilbert, O., Marano, B., Marinoni, C., Mazure, A., Meneux, B., Merighi, R., Paltani, S., Pello, R., Pollo, A., Pozzetti, L., Radovich, M., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G., Zucca, E., Bondi, M., Bongiorno, A., Brinchmann, J., de la Torre, S., Lamareille, F., Mellier, Y., Walcher, C. J.
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20078526
Popis: AIMS. We present a new Ks-band survey that represents a significant extension to the previous wide-field Ks-band imaging survey within the 0226-04 field of the VIMOS-VLT deep survey (VVDS). The new data add ~ 458 arcmin^2 to the previous imaging program, thus allowing us to cover a total contiguous area of ~ 600 arcmin^2 within this field. METHODS. Sources are identified both directly on the final K-band mosaic image and on the corresponding, deep chi^2-g'r'i' image from the CFHT Legacy Survey in order to reduce contamination while ensuring us the compilation of a truly K-selected catalogue down to the completeness limit of the Ks-band. The newly determined Ks-band magnitudes are used in combination with the ancillary multiwavelength data for the determination of accurate photometric redshifts. RESULTS. The final catalogue totals ~ 52000 sources, out of which ~ 4400 have a spectroscopic redshift from the VVDS first epoch survey. The catalogue is 90% complete down to K_Vega = 20.5 mag. We present K_s-band galaxy counts and angular correlation function measurements down to such magnitude limit. Our results are in good agreement with previously published work. We show that the use of K magnitudes in the determination of photometric redshifts significantly lowers the incidence of catastrophic errors. The data presented in this paper are publicly available through the CENCOS database.
Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&A on 01/02/2008
Databáze: arXiv