Analisis Nilai Tambah Sale Pisang pada Industri Rumahtangga 'Kejar Usaha Lestari' di Desa Pallimae Kecamatan Poleang Kabupaten Bombana

Autor: Inna, Mutma, Geo, La Ode, Gafaruddin, Abdul
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Jurnal Ilmiah Membangun Desa dan Pertanian; Vol 3, No 5 (2018); 138-143
ISSN: 2527-2748
DOI: 10.37149/jimdp.v3i5
Popis: This research aims; (1) to describe process diversity in the processing of banana into banana sale; (2) to know how much the added value resulting from the processing of bananas. The location of this research is at home industry “Kejar Usaha Lestari” at Pallimae Village, Poleang District, Bombana Regency.This location was chosen by purposive, sampling in whiel the owner of the business became respondent of the research. The primary data was collected through direct interview using a questionnaire. The data is processed using Hayami, et all 1987. The results showed that(1) processing of banana into banana sale in “Kejar Usaha Lestari” has developed because it has provided four kind of tastes banana sale, that is fresh banana sale, white sugar flavored banana sale, brown sugar flavored banana , and peanuts flavored; (2) the added value produced in “Kejar Usaha Lestari” approximately, that is fresh banana sale Rp 11.878,67 a kilogram, peanuts flavored banana sale Rp 11.284,16 a kilogram, white sugar flavored banana sale Rp 10.054,16, brown sugar flavored banana Rp 11.817,49.
Databáze: OpenAIRE