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This study aims to determine the effect of the substitution of red rice flour on the making cookies from mangrove flour on the sensory test characteristics, nutritional value, and phytochemical content. This study used a complete randomized design (CRD) consisting of five treatments, T1 (100% mangrove flour:0% brown rice flour), T2 (75% mangrove flour:25% brown rice flour), T3 (50% mangrove flour : red rice flour 50%), T4 (25% mangrove flour : 75% brown rice flour), T5 (0% mangrove flour : 100% brown rice flour). The sensory test used Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric statistical analysis, performed with the Mann-Whitney U-Test if there are differences. The results showed that the sensory quality selected by the panelists was found in the T4 treatment (25% mangrove flour and 75% brown rice flour) with an assessment score of the 5.62 (crisp) attribute, sepat 3.19 (rather sepat), taste 4, 13 (sweet), the aroma of 5.35 (strongly smelled typical pastries) and color 4.41 (light brown). The content of water, fat, protein and carbohydrates are 3.93%, 1.6%, 15.41%, 16.20% and 62.86%, respectively. Phytochemical results that meet SNI i.e., water content, fat content and protein content.Keywords: Lindur mangrove flour, brown rice flour, and cookiesABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung beras merah dan tepung mangrove terhadap karakteristik uji sensorik dan nilai gizi serta kandungan fitokimia cookies. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari lima perlakuan yaitu, T1 (100% tepung mangrove), T2 (75% tepung mangrove : 25% tepung beras merah), T3 (50% tepung mangrove : 50% tepung beras merah), T4 (25% tepung mangrove : 75% tepung beras merah), T5 (100% tepung beras merah). Mede penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik non parametrik Kruskal-Wallis, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney U-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas sensorik terpilih oleh panelis terdapat pada perlakuan T4 (tepung mangrove:tepung beras merah 75%) dengan skor penilaian terhadap atribut garing 5,62 (garing), sepat 3,19 (agak sepat), rasa 4,13 (manis), aroma 5,35 (sangat tercium khas kue kering) and warna 4,41 (coklat muda). Kandungan kadar air, lemak, protein dan karbohidrat berturut-turut yaitu 3,93%, 1,6%, 15,41%, 16,20% dan 62,86%. Hasil proksimat yang memenuhi SNI yaitu kadar air, lemak, dan protein.Kata Kunci: Tepung mangrove buah lindur, tepung beras merah, cookies, fitokimia |