Autor: Hikmawati, Zainab, Erawan, Putu Eka Meiyana, Octaviani, Rizki Eka Sakti, Sabilu, Yusuf, Yasnani, Yasnani, Meliahsari, Renni
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Prosiding Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Halu Oleo; Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional "Optimalisasi Potensi Digital Health di Era Pascapandemi Covid-19"
Popis: Campus act as a central role in all regional and global development that can form the future. To carry out this role, the health aspect is critical to building a healthy campus with a broad and holistic focus on sustainable well-being. Based on Riskesdas Data for 2018, more than 19 million people aged over 15 years have experienced mentalemotional disorders. In Southeast Sulawesi Province, prevalence of mental-emotional disorders (depression and anxiety) for people aged over 15 years is 11%. This shows an increase of 4.1% when compared to Riskesdas data for 2013. This research belongs to the type of pre-experimental research, using a one-shot case study design. Based on the sample size calculation, the total number of samples is 107. The results showed after the mental health education intervention, students expressed an agreeable attitude that they believed they knew how or where they could seek information about mental disorders (60.7%), they feel brave to meet in person for seek information about mental disorders (for example, asking a doctor or counselor) (50.5%) and being brave enough to tell stories is one way to prevent mental disorders (53.3%). the positive attitude that they believe they know how or where they can find information about mental disorders in supporting the development of a health-promoting university at Halu Oleo University. It can be concluded that the intervention in the form of education about mental health that was carried out was quite successful in giving a positive attitude to public health students.
Databáze: OpenAIRE